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Adding a Web Connector File From QuickBooks
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The Intuit QuickBooks Web Connector (QWC) is a Windows application developed by Intuit that allows data to be exchanged between QuickBooks Desktop users and service providers like Hour Timesheet. The QWC is a go-between application which enables data sharing with SaaS applications on the internet
QWC Requirements
To enable a web service to access your QuickBooks, you must use a QWC file provided by Hour Timesheet. You must have the QuickBooks company file open and you must be logged on as the QuickBooks administrative user for the initial installation of the QWC file. During the sign up process of your Hour Timesheet account, you are asked to create an admin-level password. That password is required to active the web connector service in QuickBooks.
Why use a web connector?
1. Auto-sync QuickBooks data into Hour Timesheet.
Because Hour Timesheet offers easy QuickBooks integration, manual entry of data is not required in your Hour Timesheet account. The web connector will successfully auto-populate all of your data from your company QuickBooks Desktop file.
– Customer/Job list
– Payroll Items
– Service Items
– Class
– Employees
– 1099’s
2. Auto-populate employee timecard data in QuickBooks.
All timesheet details import and populate the employee timecard in QuickBooks making it simple to process your payroll and create your customer invoices. The QuickBooks timecard includes:
– Employee time by job code and by day
– Comments entered by users in Hour Timesheet
– Leave (PTO, Sick, Holiday, etc..) entered on the Hour Timesheet
NOTE: The Web Connector is designed to access only one company file on a Windows desktop computer. If you have multiple companies and/or Hour Timesheet accounts that sync with QuickBooks, you will need a separate web connector file for each account and/our admin user.
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Adding a QuickBooks Web Connector File Manually
Who is this article for:
Customers who host their QuickBooks in the cloud and need to add the web connector file manually
Customers looking to replace an existing web connector file (new computer, new admin, etc.)
Follow the steps below once an Hour Timesheet support rep has emailed you a QuickBooks Web Connector file (**.qwc file) with your HTS credentials. If you need to request a new web connector file, email support@hourtimesheet.com with the following information
> HTS account URL
> Email address of the person needing to run the web connector. Note, this admin must already be a user in your existing HTS account.
NOTE: You will need to be logged in to your company QuickBooks file with ADMIN permission and logged in to QuickBooks in Single User Mode initially to successfully set up the web connector file.
1.Save .qwc file from email to your local computer
2. Open your QuickBooks company file and navigate to the File/Update Web Services menu
3. Click the Add an Application button
4. Locate the .qwc file saved in step 1 above and click OK to begin the process
5. An “Authorize New Web Service” screen will pop up asking you to grant HTS access to your QuickBooks company file. Click OK
6. If prompted with an application certificate allowing HTS to read and modify your company file select the Yes, Always allow access even if QuickBooks is not running (LAST RADIO BUTTON)
7. Select the Admin user from the drop down box and click Continue. At this step in the process, you should now see the HTS web connector appear in the Web Connector box
8. Enter your password that you use to login to your HTS account into the Password field
9. Click the check box next to the HTS web connector file and click the Update Selected to successfully run your new web connector file.