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Employee Authorized Charge Code Associations

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Charge Code Associations

Customer/Job ⇔ Service Item ⇔ Employee) – Creating charge code associations by employee will limit what each user is able to charge to when entering hours on a timesheet. Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees. To create charge code associations follow the steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting → Codes sub menu

3. If you do not see any codes in the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) list box then click + Create New

4. Select the Customer/Job to expand the list of Select Charge Codes.  Select from the list the Customer/Job(s) needed for association to employee(s)

5. Select the Service Item to expand the list of Select Service Items. Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

6. Select the Class list to expand the list of Classes. Select from the list the Classes needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

7. Select the Pay Type to expand the list of Select Pay Type(s) . Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s)

8. Click the Add button

9. Place a check in the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) (items created in steps 1-8 above)

10. Select from the Available Employees list the appropriate employees to be associated to the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) from above.

11. Click the > to move the selected employees from #9 above to the selected employee list box

12. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

13. Click the Assign button to complete.

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Leave Associations

Leave Types created in Hour Timesheet are associated with leave payroll items previously created in your QuickBooks company file. To create a leave type in Hour Timesheet:

Creating New Leave Types

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Click Create New Leave

4. Enter Leave Name

5. Select Pay Type from drop down box (this should be the list of leave pay types imported from QuickBooks)

6. Enter Leave Description

7. Enter Start Effective Date of new leave type

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Admin Role – Creating New Leave [Video Clip]

Creating A New Leave Policy

View Instructions of Setting Up Leave Management here

Assigning Leave Type to Employee  (Leave Type ⇔ Employee) – Creating Leave associations by employee is required so that the timesheet can select “Add Leave Hours” from the employee timesheet. To assign Leave Types to an Employee:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Select Assign Leave tab.

4. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

5. Select a Leave Type  from Available Leaves selection box.

6. Select a Leave Policy from Select Leave Policy selection box.

7. Select from the Available Employees from Available Employees selection box.

Click the > to move the Employee(s) to the Selected Employees list box.

8. Click the Assign button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each leave type.

Admin Role – Assign Leave [Video Link]

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