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Setting up Supervisors
Video -> Setting Up Groups and Supervisors
Supervisor Functions
The supervisor feature is created to provide specific users access to features and functions within Hour Timesheet. Supervisors have access to the following:
Review Timesheet – create, approve, edit and reject employee timesheet data
Run Reports – access to real-time reporting data
Receive Notifications – receive event-based and time-based email alerts
Global Level Supervisors
Assigning Global Level Supervisors – Users assigned the supervisor role will have access to the Timesheet Review menu once logged in. To assign a global level supervisor follow the steps below:
1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin
2. Navigate to Employee menu
3. Click the Assign Roles link next to the supervisor’s name
4. Select Supervisor from the drop down
Group Level Supervisors
Assigning Group Level Supervisors – to create a group level supervisor, follow steps 1-4 above then follow the additional steps below:
1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin
2. Navigate to Group menu
3. If group already exists, select group from box, click Edit this Group, begin typing name of supervisor identified in steps 1-4 above in Select Supervisor box
4. If group does not exist, click Create New Group and enter group details and user’s name in Select Supervisor box. Only users with assigned Supervisor roles will be available for selection. Groups may have multiple supervisors. NOTE: By default, Admins have access to Supervisor privileges.
Admin Role – Assigning Group Supervisors [Video Clip]